We are simply Christians. No more, no less, and no different from the “disciples” who were “first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). We realize this is quite a tall order—to claim kinship and identity with the first disciples of Christ known as Christians. We also recognize the tremendous responsibility imposed on people who wear the name of Christ. But by God’s grace, we are what we are (I Corinthians 15:10). As a group of Christians, we are known as a church of Christ. Rather than a denominational name, it means we are saved people who belong exclusively to Jesus Christ.
Passersby on Cypress-North Houston Road in Cypress, Texas observe our church building and likely wonder who we are and what we do inside. Occasionally, we receive visitors who stop in for our assemblies because they are curious about us. We always welcome such interest! In fact, we encourage people to ask, “Who are these people, and why does this church exist?” Since all churches are not alike, people should know something about a church before they even plan a visit. We delight in frequent visitors who come from the Cypress area or from other sections of Texas and other places from around the world.
Cy-Fair church of Christ is a group of saved people whom the Lord has added to His church (Acts 2:47). We assemble together regularly for the glorification of God and His Son. Our worship is simple and devout, patterned after the worship of the earliest Christians we read about in the New Testament scriptures. We also work together for the common cause of teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to ourselves, our children, our community, and the world at large, to the extent of our ability. This is the foremost feature of our work. We are also involved, as needed, in the relief of physical want encountered by our brethren, frequently due to deprivation, disaster and famine, often in other parts of the world. Our primary focus, however, is upon the worship of God and the spreading of His truths. Teaching and preaching is the major focus of our congregational work, here at home first, and then “into all the world” (Matthew 28:18).We Want You to Know About...
Our church organization is entirely local. Other than to Heaven itself, we answer to no other church, conglomeration of churches, or earthly organization. Biblically, we operate directly under the headship of our Savior, Jesus Christ. “He is head of the body, the church” (Colossians 1:18) and is “head over all things to the church” (Ephesians 1:22) which means there is nothing regarding the church not under His rule and oversight. This being so, we look to the Lord’s will expressed in the New Testament for our purpose and direction. In His Word, the Lord has given directions that qualified men known as Elders are to be appointed as the bishops, overseers and shepherds of this local church (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5; I Timothy 3:1-7; Acts 20:28). Our Elders answer to Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, for their care of His flock or church (I Peter 5:1-4; Hebrews 13:17). The church is also served by men known as Deacons who, under the direction of our Elders, have responsibility for various aspects of congregational function (I Timothy 3:8-13). Evangelists, or Gospel preachers, are also responsible for teaching the Word both publicly in our assemblies and privately, as opportunities arise (Acts 20:20). Beyond this group of leaders and servants, the entire membership of the church is called upon to be active in the work and worship of the congregation. As the church is the “household of God” (I Timothy 3:15) we each find our place in the family to serve, teach, edify and encourage one another and all others we can interest in our purpose.
We believe you will find this congregation to be different from the usual church in our time. We have no political or social agenda to promote. Rather, our focus is on saving souls and getting them on their way to salvation for eternity. Instead of ministering to the whole man by providing recreation, entertainment, food and fun, we are pointing souls to Jesus and His Word. Jesus taught that “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word will by no means pass away” (Luke 21:33). The Lord’s kingdom is not worldly, but heavenly in its focus (John 18:36). Since we are a church of Christ, we must not veer from Christ’s aims for us.